Jury announcement no.1

Poznań General Secondary Music School No. 2
them. Tadeusz Szeligowski

15th International Youth Cello Competition
them. Kazimierz Wiłkomirski

Protocol No. 2

from the jury of the XV Youth International Cello Competition K. Wiłkomirski on December 3, 2020 at 18.00

Agenda of the meeting:

Results of group I auditions, list of laureates, award allocation.
Establishing a program to be performed by the winners of the top prizes of group I during the Concert of Laureates
Group II stage 1 results
Free voices and conclusions.

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The jury composed of:

Prof. Markus Nyikos Chairman of the jury
Prof. Urszula Marciniec-Mazur member of the jury
Prof. Zdzisław Łapiński, member of the jury
Prof. Rimantas Armonas member of the jury
Dr hab. Prof. FCUM Adam Klocek member of the jury
Dr hab. Tomasz Lisiecki, member of the jury


after hearing the 13 participants of group I, it decided to award the following prizes:

1st prize ex aequo Yuki Ariel Wilson
1st prize ex aequo Antoni Grzegorz Werner
2nd prize – Jeremi Szczęsny Michałowicz
3rd prize – Emilia Maria Maciejewska
Awards: Amelia Maria Górka

Lena Joanna Malinowska

Marianna Szałkiewicz-Nowak

Leonard Szyłąko

Aniela Miriam Toczyska


The award in the form of participation in the Master Course in Szamotuły in 2021 is awarded to:

Yuki Ariel Wilson
Antoni Grzegorz Werner

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By the decision of the jury at the laureates’ concert, the winners in the first group will perform:

Yuki Ariel Wilson – Gaspar Cassadó Requiebros
Antoni Grzegorz Werner – Antonio Vandini Sonata in G major


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After hearing the 11 participants of group II in the first stage of the competition, the Jury decided to qualify the following participants to the second stage:

1. Amelia Weronika Bryl
2. Susanna Julia Fromm
3. Gabriela Łyskawa
4. Natalia Agata Łyszczkowska
5. Frederick Midor
6. Kajetan Pałęcki
7. Anita Warnecka


Jury secretary:

Jacek Fokt

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Poznań General Secondary Music School No. 2 them. Tadeusz Szeligowski 15th International Youth Cello Competition them. Kazimierz Wiłkomirski   Protocol No. 4 from the jury of the 14th Youth International…
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